Business Administration (BSAD)
An introduction to the essentials of American business is provided to students who have little familiarity with business or who may be considering a career in business. The course will explore broad areas of business such as entrepreneurship, forms of business organization operations management, marketing, money and banking, financial management, securities markets, human resources management, international business, and career opportunities in each field. 3 credits, (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course incorporates the development of arithmetical tools in the mechanics of computation and the fundamentals of problem solving. Emphasis is on the application of acceptable business procedures. Topics include percent, invoicing, cash and trade discounts, principles of markup and markdown, payroll, simple interest, com-pound interest, consumer loans, property taxes, and insurance. Pre or co-requisite: MAGN 101 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
Introduction to organizational behavior and human relations with emphasis on developing skills in dealing with human behavior, particularly as it exists in business organizations. Motivation, leadership, communications, group behavior, organizational change, personality, negotiation and conflict management are topics covered in this course. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
The course examines the legal aspects of operating a casino/resort with particular attention to liability, personal and property liability, labor laws, crimes, tortes, evictions and negligence. Also an examination of the laws and regulations particular to the gaming industry are explored with specific emphasis on the history and development of regulations in the casino industry as well as requirements for gaming licenses. 3 credits, fall semester
This course incorporates the fundamental concepts of the law of business and commerce important to business. Contracts, agency, and negotiable instruments with emphasis on the Uniform Commercial Code become part of the course. An introduction to legal reasoning and the legal approach to business problems play an important role. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course covers the basic concepts relating to lifetime financial planning including setting financial goals, measuring financial performance, budgeting, reducing taxes, evaluating savings programs, acquiring and using credit, evaluating housing options, understanding insurance needs, and examining various types of investment opportunities including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and estate planning. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
An introductory course that provides insight into marketing techniques in a dynamic environment. Corporate, small business, not-for-profit and for profit business marketing are all discussed. Marketing terms and functions are a necessary part of the course. In addition survey construction and analysis are performed and students demonstrate knowledge of branding and packaging via presentations. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course covers the introduction to concepts of management, development of management thought, and management environments. Special emphasis is placed on the functions of managers including planning and decision making, organizing and staffing, leading, motivating, communicating, and controlling. Review of social responsibility management ethics, and workplace diversity is covered. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
The objective of this course is to establish a basic understanding of the entrepreneurship process. Today’s successful entrepreneurs need more than just a good idea. This course will introduce the student to the entrepreneurial mindset and explore entrepreneurial opportunities. The student will be exposed to a brief overview of the various steps involved to bring an idea to reality. The class will incorporate several case studies and guest lecturers to expose the student to real life entrepreneurial situations. 3 credits, 3 lecture hours
Fundamentals of effective English in written and oral business communications are discussed. Planning and writing effective business letters and memos, letters of application and resume, sales, credit collection, inquiry, order, acknowledgment, claims adjustments, and personnel letters are covered. Gathering and presenting in-formation for reports in written and oral form through research, interviewing, questionnaires, and conferences are presented. The course includes discussion and topics such as understanding the impact of international business teamwork, technology, and multiculturalism on business communications. The course further incorporates networking as well as teamwork opportunities. Prerequisite: COMP 101 with a C or better 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course is an in-depth study of business organizations including sole proprietorship, partnerships, limited liability companies and corporations. Basic concepts of property law including personal property (both tangible and intangible), intellectual property (including Internet issues), real property and securities regulation are covered. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
Principles, concepts and techniques of personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, publicity, and public relations are covered in the course. The course develops the nature and role of promotion, marketing and management of the promotion program. The practice of promotion in a changing environment is an important aspect of this course. Prerequisites: BSAD 100 or 112 or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
This course introduces students to the professional, trust-based sales process. Students will learn what is required to initiate, develop, acquire, and enhance customer relationships in the sales process. Topics include: earning trust, effective sales dialogue, communication and presentation development, creating value for customers and sales ethics. Students present team based sales presentations at the end of the semester. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), spring semester
The first course in finance, which develops an understanding of the links between economic theory, management theory, and the practical managing of the financial aspects of any organization, are part of the course. Sources of money and credit for businesses, agriculture units, consumers, governments, and charitable institutions are related topics. Prerequisites: BSAD 100 or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
Human Resource principles and tools useful to any employee or prospective manager are part of this course. Additional topics include manpower needs, recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, personal development, compensation and benefits, the development and influence of labor unions and collective bargaining, public policy and laws in the labor and Human Resource Management field, and reconciliation of varying viewpoints. This course uses a case approach. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course introduces students to contemporary problems in Human Resource Management. Issues include AIDS testing, alcohol abuse, and sexual harassment problems in the workplace. The course is designed to allow students to critically analyze the relevant issues encompassed in contemporary business topics and problems. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
The course will provide the student with an understanding of the nature of the investment process. Students will grasp a fundamental understanding of portfolio management, asset allocation, risk assessment, the securities market and exchanges, equity and debt securities, and margin, futures and option trading. Students will have the opportunity to prepare and present a portfolio of investments. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
Applying statistical methods as analytical tools, students will learn principles and methodology to create an understanding of statistics used in business in a practical way. A focus on computerized calculations using Excel, along with case studies, will help students implement basic data techniques, tabular and graphic presentation, frequency distributions, averages, measures of dispersion, probability, confidence intervals, sampling methods, and hypothesis testing for students to perform statistical tests that include: Chi-square analysis, t-test, ANOVA, correlations, and simple linear regression analysis. A background in Excel is needed. Pre-requisites: MAGN 101and CITA 101 or OFFT 110, or permission of instructor. 3 credits, fall and spring.
This entry-level management course explores the impact that a culturally diverse work force has on a business, industry and global/international environment. The course illustrates the manger’s role/responsibility in managing a culturally diverse work force and develops student awareness and understanding of the role of culture, values, social behavior and politics in managing diverse groups of employees. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
This course examines the importance of: cultural understanding; international economics including current fiscal policy; international trade agreements and their effect on the American economy. The course will pay special attention to both the fiscal and human effects of new alliances and the influence on the future of American agriculture, production, banking, finance, communication, and professional services including the legal and medical profession. The American involvement in the growth of multi-international corporations focusing on American ventures in such areas as production and distribution will be discussed. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
This course emphasizes the importance of social, cultural, economic, political, and geographical concerns that international marketers have to deal with when marketing products in other countries. The effects of national policies, political elections and legal systems are discussed. Understanding the contribution that businesses make to underdeveloped nations and understanding trade restrictions are discussed in this course. Risk assessment of developing businesses in areas is evaluated in this course. 3 credit hours (3 lecture hours)
A field-based internship experience provides majors in the Department of Entrepreneurship and Business an opportunity to apply their knowledge in business situations. Students will work 125 hours at an approved business in the areas of accounting, finance, management, and marketing, and their work will be coordinated through a faculty member. Students will work on a business project/problem for the business. . 3 credits
The course explores business strategy from two perspectives: Theoretical and practical. At the theoretical level, the student will examine the strategic discourse – a rich exchange of competing ideas, highlighted with conceptual foundation of business, management, and contemporary decision-making. The “knowing” part involves learning concepts and techniques applicable to business administration and strategic management. The “doing” part of the course involves the student’s participation in Capsim Foundation®, a strategic management simulation. This simulation provides the student with the opportunity to acquire hands- on experience in managing a business as a member of a “senior management” team. This course allows students to participate in a computer application that simulates activities of a real business. In addition to experiential learning of business management decision-making competencies using the simulation, there will be emphasis on ethics and ethical decision-making in various functional areas, and on career portfolio preparation. This course is recommended for seniors, as it is a comprehensive business curriculum course. Prerequisites: ACCT 102, BSAD112, and BSAD116 3 credits, fall or spring semester
This course is designed to provide students with the range of communication issues a manager will face in the future. Enduring issues on how to write and speak effectively and devise a successful communications strategy as well as how to make the best use of telecommunications technology will be explored. Through lecture and application, the student will study such areas as handling feedback, managing meetings, communicating change, communicating with diverse populations and external audiences. Prerequisites: BSAD 116 or AGBS 240 or permission of instructor. 3 credits, ( 2 lecture, 2 lab hours) fall or spring semester
A course designed to analyze the problems, strategies and procedures in managing and assessing human resources in contemporary organizations. Special attention is given to problems in assessing abilities and performance, effective recruitment, selection and training, motivational strategies and developing the organization’s human resources. Special emphasis is placed on such topics as Equal Employment Opportunity, ethics, organizational development/teamwork, and total quality management. Prerequisite: BSAD 116 3 credits, fall or spring semester
This course explores the basic framework of the beginning stages of a start- up business, starting with the development of an idea and going through the various stages of bringing the idea to market. The course will include assessing risk and reviewing various financing activities. Students will incorporate the class work into a workable business plan, which will address areas which need to be included in starting a new business. The course will use case studies to help reinforce the lecture material. Prerequisite: two of the following, ACCT 100 or 101, BSAD 108, BSAD 112 or permission of the instructor 3 credits (lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course primarily focuses on the marketing mix (price, product, promotion and distribution) and the management of marketing in an organization. Students will learn basic marketing principles, research techniques and strategies for understanding and managing the marketing needs in the 21st century. Students will gather and interpret information, assess marketing conditions, with market research, and suggest strategies for success. Additionally, students will complete marketing plans supported by appropriate analysis and execute a complete marketing plan presentation and presentation. This course also incorporates a simulation to enhance the management experience. Prerequisites: BSAD 116, ECON 100 or 140, or permission of instructor. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course examines advertising with a focus on managerial activities and decision-making in the advertising process. Topics include selection of target markets, establishment of communications objectives, selection of and working relationships with advertising agencies, creative strategy and execution, media selection, appropriations and budgets, and program evaluation procedures. The course will also cover ethical approaches to advertising and other promotional activities. Prerequisites: BSAD 325, junior level standing or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester
This course will examine managerial applications of consumer behavior and provide students with the conceptual, quantitative, and analytical skills necessary to develop strategies that directly address consumer behavior and the competitive environment. Topics include factors and trends in consumer behavior, consumer motivation and attitudes, decision-making, consumer relationships and consumer loyalty, and consumer value creation. The course will also cover researching and online consumer behavior. Prerequisite: BSAD 325 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester
This course introduces students to family and closely held businesses, the strategic and operating challenges encountered, and the requirements for success. The course explores and analyzes unique issues and challenges relative to the family, the business, and ownership of these businesses. Designed to enhance student awareness of and appreciation for the unique challenges involved in leading and managing the family and closely-held business, topics include the nature, importance, and uniqueness of family businesses, strategy creation, succession and transfer of power, estate planning, financial, and family business governance. Prerequisite: BSAD 116, or AGBS 240, or permission of the instructor. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
The course is designed to provide insight as to contemporary sport, such that the student clearly understands how three basic management structures (clubs, leagues, and tournaments) operate. The student of the Introductory Sport Management course will develop knowledge of the history and nature of sport management, along with how the principles of management, marketing, finance, strategy, ethics, law, and leadership are applied to this discipline. This course is also a prerequisite to the Sport Management Option Upper-Division courses in the Technology Management Program. Prerequisite: BSAD 116 or by permission of instructor. This course is a Prerequisite of BSAD 353/Sport Marketing, BSAD 418/Sport Law, and BSAD 443/Strategic Management of Sport Business – Sport Management Option of the B. Tech. Technology Management Degree 3 Credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course introduces the areas of finance: financial markets, managerial finance, and investments and the importance each has on business transactions and operating performance. Overview of financial markets and financial instruments are important topics. Explanation of basic finance concepts including interest rates, time value of money, valuation, cost of capital, risk and rates of return. Role of finance in decision-making regarding managing daily operations, seeking financing, and providing financing. Incorporates spreadsheet modeling to apply financial concepts and conduct financial analysis. Prerequisites: ACCT 100 or ACCT 101, CITA 101 or CITA 110, and MATH 102, junior level standing, or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course will provide an intensive evaluation of marketing techniques and promotional strategy. In addition, the topical coverage will include the marketing mix, new product strategy and services, interactive promotion, event marketing and value-added marketing. The student of sport marketing will acquire extensive understanding as to consumers as spectators and participants. In addition to planning the sports marketing mix (product, price, pro-motion and place), the student will examine the execution and evaluation of the planning process, as part of an integrated marketing strategy. This course is designed primarily for student in the B. Tech Technology Management program, with the Sports Management Option. Prerequisites: Co-requisites: BSAD 325, BSAD 343 or permission of instructor – may also be taken concurrent with BSAD 418. This course is also a Prerequisite of BSAD 443 – Sport Management of Sport Business. 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
This course examines financial modeling, forecasting and financial management through case study method. The students will examine valuation of companies, forecasting financial results to value companies, execute capital budgeting, and understand working capital management. The student will obtain understanding through using the case study methodology and modeling of financial problems in each area under consideration. Prerequisite: BSAD 350 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
This course introduces students to solving business problems and developing new solutions using spreadsheet and database software. Topics include business information systems, E-business (how businesses use information systems), achieving competitive advantage with information systems, IT infrastructure, and foundations of business intelligence. Further topics include telecommunications (the Internet and wireless technology), securing information systems, achieving operational excellence and customer intimacy, E-commerce (digital markets and digital goods), improving decision making and managing knowledge, building information systems, and ethical and social issues in information systems. Prerequisites: BSAD 310, BSAD 325, BSAD 350, ACCT 102 or permission of the instructor. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), spring semester
This course introduces students to management within an international context. Embracing culture and globalization as its foundation, discussions include the latest theories and concepts regarding business interactions within a global environment. Topics include the global business environment, national business environments, international trade and investment, international financial systems, and international business management. Course discussions include managerial risk implications arising from different cultural, socio-economic, political, and legal systems; volumes and patterns of international trade and investments; international finance systems including international markets and money systems; and international strategy and organizational structure design. Additional topics include identification of international opportunities and entry mode selection; and international management sub-issues including marketing, production and staffing within a global environment. The course incorporates recent, real-world examples, and integrates technology. Prerequisites – BSAD 310, BSAD 325, BSAD 350 and junior level standing or permission of the instructor. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This is a 3-credit (300-hour minimum) approved company sponsored internship. This field-based experience provides majors in business-related disciplines an opportunity to apply and gain additional relevant knowledge, skills and experience in the discipline Prerequisites: Enrolled in the Bachelor of Business Administration in Business program, completed 18 credit hours in 300 level or above business or business related course work, and permission of instructor. 3 credits.
This course examines the strategy and control processes that transform resources into finished goods and services. The primary focus is the use of quantitative techniques for analysis and decision-making, the role of productivity, quality, job design, human resources and other tasks to maximize operational performance. The emphasis is on principles of production system design and operation. Prior exposure to statistics is strongly recommended (MATH 141 or BSAD 221). Prerequisites: MATH 102 or higher and CITA 101, CITA 110 or OFFT 110, and junior level standing or permission of instructor. For students in Automotive Technology B.Tech completion of AUTO 360 is acceptable. 3 credits (2 lecture hours, 2 laboratory hours), fall or spring semester
This course covers the issues involved in the responsible and ethical conduct of business. It explores responsibility issues from the viewpoint of all the stakeholders in a business. The consequences of irresponsible business behavior and non-compliance with business laws and generally accepted business standards are also explored. Course work will consist of case studies and textual readings in both Ethical and responsible business behavior. Areas of study may include (but not limited to): Business and Social Responsibility, Responsible practices in Human Resources, Ethics in the Marketplace, Financial Responsibility, and The Environmentally Friendly and Compliant Business. Prerequisite: ACCT 100 or ACCT 101, BSAD 108 or BSAD 116 or FSAD 153, and junior level standing, or permission of the instructor. 3 credit hours (3 lecture hours), fall semester
This course examines and analyzes the major theories and conceptualizations of leadership, wherein relevant consideration of the applicable approach of theoretical and conceptual models will be explored for real-world organizations. Major concepts include entrepreneurial leadership, team leadership, transformational leadership, women and leadership, and ethical/responsible business practices. There will be several leadership case problems and leadership action/skill-building and development exercises. Student leaders will perform research and conduct a thorough investigation of an Organizational Leader, as part of their integrating leadership learning objectives. A Leadership Simulation Program, vLeader™ is included in the course, to further augment experiential learning and training, for preparedness in effective communication, idealized influence, emotional intelligence, and creativity contribution to organizational success. Prerequisites: BSAD 116, junior level standing or permission of instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester.
This course will provide students with a unique blend of theory and practice to help them analyze the vast array of employment practices, employment structures, and human resources management strategies in a comparative and global context. The purpose of the course is to provide the conceptual and practical tools necessary to address the impact of globalization on the practice of Human Resources. The course is taught from comparative and cross-national perspectives. Students will be asked to take a critical approach to Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship Behavior and the impact these have on business policy. Prerequisites: Senior standing, BSAD 116 and either BSAD 215 or 310. 3 credits (lecture hours,) spring semester
This course examines the international flow of money and financial markets. An important aspect of the course will focus on foreign exchange rates and the management of changes in currency rates. Students will learn about managing transaction, accounting and translation risks. In addition, students will cover trade financing and international cash management. Prerequisite: BSAD 350 3 credits (3 lecture hours)
This course examines legal issues affecting amateur and professional sports. Students will analyze sports cases and materials that cover multiple disciplines, including contracts, torts, constitutional law, antitrust, labor and employment, intellectual property, and criminal law. Students will participate in problem- solving exercises and drafting and negotiation sessions, which explore areas such as player and coaching contracts, investigation of NCSS rules infractions and possible sanctions against universities. Students will augment their learning through analysis and discussion of up-to-the-minute professional and collegiate sports law developments. This course demonstrates how knowledge of the law creates a competitive advantage and helps build a more efficient and successful operation that better serves the needs of its constituents. Learning objectives will be organized around management functions rather than legal theory. This approach will allow students to understand how legal concepts relate to specific managerial functions and will help prepare them to assume a broad range of responsibilities in sport, education, or recreation. This course is designed primarily for students in the B. Tech Technology Management program, with the Sport Management Option. Pre- or Co-requisites: BSAD 108 and BSAD 343 (Introduction to Sports Management) or by permission of instructor. 3 Credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course will examine culture and international trade reflecting on the impact of the marketing mix. Students will examine and assess different cultures as well as the political and legal environment of different countries. During the course, the examination of global marketing opportunities and strategies to exploit those opportunities will take place. A review of product and service marketing in an international setting will be emphasized during the course. Prerequisite: BSAD 325 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall semester
The primary objective of this course is to provide students the opportunity to analyze and integrate business and managerial concepts, tools, techniques, and strategies in sport management. This course is the culmination of student learning in sport management. Students will effort to assess problems and to make decisions facing sport managers and business leaders. Emphasis will focus on the strategic, profit-oriented, and ethical decision-making that are necessary for sport managers to be successful. The course also focuses in detail on a senior thesis that will provide opportunities for in-depth analysis of a specific area in the field. Small group discussions, case studies, and experiential learning will be utilized in order to facilitate learning. This course will augment critical thinking and analysis skills through analytical essays and strategic group projects associated with the industry. This is a writing-intensive course, therefore the development of quality writing skills will be emphasized. Since the internship of Tech Management Students whose focus is in sport management is imminent at this point, this course will also attempt to provide an analysis as to effective management and leadership strategies and the body of knowledge associated with pursuing a career in sport management. Thorough class preparation and participation are critical for student success. This course is designed primarily for students in the B. Tech Technology Management program, with the Sport Management Option. Prerequisites: BSAD 353 and BSAD 418 Sport Management Option of the B. Tech. Technology Management Degree. 3 Credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
The emphasis is on analyzing the criteria for which ultimate business decisions are made; business strategies in international and domestic operations and the impact of political, economic and legal factors. Focus will be given to actual situation analysis and applying current functional and managerial techniques to a variety of case studies. Prerequisites: Must complete two of the following courses with a C or better: ACCT 101, BSAD 112, ECON 100 and BSAD 116; and six additional credits of 300/400 level BSAD or RRMT course work; be matriculated in a bachelor degree program with a GPA of 2.0 in business and related classes; or have permission of instructor. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), spring semester
This course is designed to initially overview the consulting profession with a subsequent emphasis on organizational consulting issues. The application of theory from the various disciplines to business problems in a consulting environment is emphasized. Definitions of problems, analysis of appropriate variables, and recommendations are provided by students for implementation by management. Students may choose from two options: (1) Business Project: Students are assigned projects for problem analysis and solution or (2) Consultancy: Student develops a project that is of value with a client organization using academic theory. Student will provide a journal and present the written report to management, the faculty advisor, and class colleagues. Successful completion of CITA 405 is highly recommended. Co and Prerequisites: BSAD 350 with a “B” or higher, concurrent enrollment in BSAD 470 or ENTR 417, or permission of the instructor 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester
This course is a capstone course in the Business Administration (B.B.A) degree program and is required of all seniors. Emphasis is given to the integration of subject matter from other business courses and disciplines in the discussion and analysis of organizational problems. The course attempts to balance theory, research, and practice within a coherent framework. Cases help students integrate and apply concepts and knowledge to actual real-world problems. Prerequisite: Senior standing, admission into the Bachelor of Business Administration degree program, BSAD 350, BSAD 380 and Math 153. 3 credits (3 lecture hours), fall or spring semester